Ok, I'm sure that I will get many agreements to "enough is enough". Well, that may work for the familial disagreements that happen every year (you roll your eyes and swallow what you want to say) But damn, we've the latest corvid variations. Let's all get vaccinated, get that booster, and have that family get together.
I love you all, and have a so wonderful holiday my sisters and our members.
This last wave of COVID OMICRON is 70% more contagious but only a few need to go to the hospital out of wish a majority of none vaccinated. Those vaccinated only need one night observation as opposed to unvaccinated that end up in intensive care in a proportion of 1 to 10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/23/covid-patients-in-icu-now-almost-all-unvaccinated-says-oxford-scientist
But worry no more by February there will be a pill that will solve any mild case. Getting vaccinated is a must, and receiving 3 doses is better. If you are not certain that someone or yourself is 100% safe keep your distances and ware a mask. Better voluntarily confine for 10 days.
Merry Christmas to all. If not in person ZOOM it.