Code of Conduct for Members

The following document refers to a guide for both Noir Palace and BELLA members regarding their amusement and activity in the aforementioned virtual establishments, called as Code of Conduct (in short CoC). It was created in accordance to the memberships benefits, our values, vision and mission as the means to protect and assure continious quality management, fair and pleasant play. We would be pleased our Members to follow and accept this CoC.
Noir Palace Members:
As in any relationship, you should treat your date with respect and kindness. If you plan on roleplaying a scenario that does not include this, make sure you both understand where Role Play starts and where it ends to avoid confusion and hurt feelings on either side.
Dos and Don'ts
Knowing what gets the other one going can make your date so much more enjoyable. Talk to the girl of your choice and get to know her, and she you.. Learn about both of your dos and don’ts.
Be specific
It helps when you and your Noir Lady have a rough idea about how your ideal date should begin and end. Once you two learn more about each other that may no longer be a requirement’ But if you have certain ideas how you imagine your perfect night out and your Noir Lady is everything but not amused about any of this you two will find yourselves very disappointed.
No pressure
At no time should pressure be put on any Noir Lady (and by extension, Members) along the lines of . . .
• If you love me you’ll do . . .
• If you want me to keep seeing you you’ll . . .
• If you want any bids during the auction you’ll . . .
Any conditional clauses you feel like putting on any Noir Lady that qualify as black-mail or similar offenses are not welcome and will not be tolerated. Likewise, exhibiting excessive jealousy when a favorite Lady is spending time with another member is strongly discouraged.
Noir Palace is a club that strives for perfection tailoring its services to as many members' desires as humanly possible by providing . . .
• locations
• logistics
• attention to details
and of course
• ladies
As members, you have been shown the Membership Benefits board, which lists out your entitlements in the club and other Noir venues. Noir Ladies are required to abide by those, Please do not embarrass her or yourself by exceeding those entitlements. Gold, silver and bronze members are respectfully asked to transfer rays before the session, and if not, promptly afterward (we know that sometimes things happen fast)
For all other membership levels, all Noir Ladies will be happy to check your remaining sessions.
Offensive language by intention
Use of destructive pejorative terms about anyone, be they Lady, Member or guest, and is a banning offence. Calling someone an SOB is one thing, but the use of the N word, Spic, Dago, etc. is strongly discouraged.
And finally
Please keep in mind that Noir Ladies, as all Avis, live, breath and feel just the same as any real life girl does. Living in a digital virtual world is not an invitation to mentally use and abuse anyone. There is a person behind the Avi.
Follow these simple guidelines and Noir will be the only place you’ll want to spend your online time.
In case a member, or lady decline of following the above issues will be warned officially by Noir management team with the request of corrective actions. Noir Palace follows the management protocol of the Utherverse. After warning if problem or behavior remains the person will be banned by the Noir Palace, without receiving back any funds pre-given.